5210R/5211R: FTP File Manager integrated

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

A GUI based FTP File Manager has been added to BlueOnyx 5210R/5211R.

BlueOnyx 5210R/5211R FTP File Manager

This day and age more and more end-users seem to be challenged with uploading files to their webspace via FTP. After all: Drag and drop file upload via the browser has become the dominant standard. To help you and your users towards that end we looked at bringing back an GUI based FTP client to BlueOnyx. The previous one went out of fashion after BlueOnyx 5209R, as it was no longer supported and had issues with more modern PHP versions.

So now we integrated something newer that is still maintained: elFinder and released it as regular YUM update for BlueOnyx 5210R and BlueOnyx 5211R:

How it works:

When a GUI user logs into the BlueOnyx GUI, he can find the new item under "Programs" / "File Manager". Depending on the privileges of the logged in user the "Programs" menu is in different locations, but it's easy to find. If FTP is enabled on the BlueOnyx server and the user has FTP access, then the user will be automatically logged into elFinder and can see whatever files and folders he has access to by FTP.

Uploads work via drag and drop and files and folders can be copied, renamed, edited, viewed or deleted. Provided that the file permissions and ownerships allow such transactions.

The File Manager application does not provide more or fewer rights than any regular FTP access of said user would grant. And it can only be used by users authenticated against the GUI with the login credentials used during GUI login.

The ability to view or edit files on the server (even code) is neat, as is the ability to do web based uploads.

We hope you like it! Enjoy!

Nov 2, 2024 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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